I use:
Code: Select all
convert input.jpg -format %c histogram:info:out.txt
- 396: (129,129,130,255) #818182 rgba(129,129,130,1)
573: (129,130,130,255) #818282 rgba(129,130,130,1)
294: (130,129,129,255) #828181 rgba(130,129,129,1)
16: (130,130,129,255) #828281 rgba(130,130,129,1)
2170: (130,130,130,255) #828282 grey51
707: (130,130,131,255) #828283 rgba(130,130,131,1)
1032: (130,131,131,255) #828383 rgba(130,131,131,1)
1: (130,202,160,255) #82CAA0 rgba(130,202,160,1)
203: (131,130,130,255) #838282 rgba(131,130,130,1)
4: (131,131,130,255) #838382 rgba(131,131,130,1)
I have tried preceding the code with the command:
Code: Select all
-define histogram:unique-colors=false
All I need is the count and EITHER the RGB or the HEX.
Any other ideas?
Thanks so much!