Code: Select all
magick -size 4x200 xc:red -duplicate 199 -modulate 100,100,%[fx:t] +append modhue.png

Those 200 images appended should show a continuous shifting of the hue from cyan on the left, through red in the center, and back through green to cyan on the right, but the result isn't as expected. Setting the hue shift to more than "133.3" on the "-modulate" operator seems to cycle the setting back to "100". And it changes again the same way when the setting is more than "166.6".
This issue goes back at least one version before 7.0.7-39.
The same problem is also present in IM 6.9.9-50. Starting with a red image and a "-modulate" hue setting of "133", this command changes the color to "srgb(100%,99%,0%)", almost pure yellow as expected...
Code: Select all
convert xc:red -modulate 100,100,133 -format %[pixel:p{0,0}] info:
Code: Select all
convert xc:red -modulate 100,100,134 -format %[pixel:p{0,0}] info: