convert -resize 80% 58a40d9d85367.png

Code: Select all
convert 58a40d9d85367.png -resize 80% tmp.png
identify -verbose tmp.png
Code: Select all
magick 58a40d9d85367.png -resize 80% tmp.png
magick identify 58a40d9d85367.png tmp.png
Code: Select all
convert 7a063c32e5c29a16fda4c02842e7c984.png -resize 80% tmp.png
This input image is 8-bit palette (pseudo color), when you resize you get more colors introduced which in this case is more the 256 colors so the result is converted to 24-bit color. To prevent this, write it astczf1128 wrote: ↑2018-12-05T22:24:23-07:00 try this png
http://test-1257746263.picsh.myqcloud.c ... e7c984.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 tczf staff 45K 12 3 22:44 7a063c32e5c29a16fda4c02842e7c984.pngCode: Select all
convert 7a063c32e5c29a16fda4c02842e7c984.png -resize 80% tmp.png
-rw-r--r--@ 1 tczf staff 211K 12 3 19:31 58a40d9d85367.png
Code: Select all
convert 7a063c32e5c29a16fda4c02842e7c984.png -resize 80% PNG8:tmp.png
16-bit images will convert to 16-bit images unless you specify -density 8tczf1128 wrote: ↑2018-12-06T00:00:11-07:00 And another question.
16 bit depth png to be resized 60%, its depth still 16 bit?
I try this imagehttp://test-1257746263.picsh.myqcloud.c ... Snap20.png and the result is 16 depth
Code: Select all
convert LeftSnap20.png -resize 80% -depth 8 result.png
You will always lose some quality going from 16-bit to 8-bit, but it may not be visually noticeable. You have to decide what you want to do here.