Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
Posts: 7 Joined: 2018-11-01T19:31:14-07:00
Authentication code: 1152
by » 2019-03-21T03:42:43-07:00
When converting a PNG file to another file, I get an error:
convert.exe: IDAT: invalid distance too far back `C:\sample.png' @ error/png.c/MagickPNGErrorHandler/1714.
convert.exe: no images defined `C:\sample.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3300.
My sample argument is:
Code: Select all
convert.exe C:\sample.png C:\output.png
I'm using Windows 10 with lastest version of IM : ImageMagick-7.0.8-34
Here is my sample file: ... 0TPWU/view
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Location: England, UK
by snibgo » 2019-03-21T06:20:23-07:00
I get the same error message from IM.
Gimp can read the file with no complaint, but shows an image that is different to that shown on the web download page.
I suppose sample.png is corrupt.
Posts: 25562 Joined: 2007-07-02T17:14:51-07:00
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Location: Sunnyvale, California, USA
by fmw42 » 2019-03-21T08:59:16-07:00
On my Mac OSX with IM Q16, I get an error message also
convert: no images defined `test.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3258.
Mac PREVIEW opens it fine.
Posts: 1570 Joined: 2013-05-04T15:28:54-07:00
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by dlemstra » 2019-03-23T04:09:27-07:00
It appears that the zlib library is reporting this error. I looks like this is a corrupt image.
Posts: 190 Joined: 2015-07-06T07:38:22-07:00
Authentication code: 1151
by 246246 » 2019-03-27T06:59:15-07:00
pngfix (comes with libpng) will fix your png.
Code: Select all
$ pngcheck -v sample.png
File: sample.png (2739 bytes)
chunk IHDR at offset 0x0000c, length 13
409 x 242 image, 8-bit palette, non-interlaced
chunk PLTE at offset 0x00025, length 768: 256 palette entries
chunk IDAT at offset 0x00331, length 1902
zlib: deflated, 512-byte window, default compression
zlib: inflate error = -3 (data error)
ERRORS DETECTED in sample.png
$ pngfix --out=new.png sample.png
IDAT TFB default 9 15 1902 99220 sample.png
$ pngcheck -v new.png
File: new.png (2739 bytes)
chunk IHDR at offset 0x0000c, length 13
409 x 242 image, 8-bit palette, non-interlaced
chunk PLTE at offset 0x00025, length 768: 256 palette entries
chunk IDAT at offset 0x00331, length 1902
zlib: deflated, 32K window, default compression
chunk IEND at offset 0x00aab, length 0
No errors detected in new.png (4 chunks, 97.2% compression).
$ convert -verbose new.png out.png
new.png PNG 409x242 409x242+0+0 8-bit sRGB 256c 2739B 0.010u 0:00.000
new.png=>out.png PNG 409x242 409x242+0+0 8-bit sRGB 16c 2442B 0.000u 0:00.000