Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
Hi! I'm stick on a problem with russian words wrap.
When I try to use "caption:" it wraps, but in a strange way. Please take a look on an attached pictures:
/usr/bin/convert -size 500x -font Times-Roman -background lightblue -pointsize 32 caption:'LORUM IPSUM dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy' latin.png
This is a bug in ImageMagick. We treat the string as single bytes rather than as a unicode group when we compute the text width. This problem is on our bug fix list with currently no ETA. If a user wants to submit a patch in the mean-time, well that would be just grand.
For caption the main problem is to find out what is the Unicode way to do word wrapping. The only guaranteed word break is newline, and the only word wrap points IM currently understands is spaces and tabs.
For English, words are white space separated making word wrapping easy, in Chinese (and this is only a rough guess) each Chinese symbol can regarded as a word so word wrap can be done on either side of any Chinese symbol.
The same could probably be said for more other Unicode symbols that may be used in English text.
Though typically their are also rules for this, breaking around currently symbols for example is generally not a good idea. I have no idea at all about Russian!
Again what is needed is the word wrapping rules for Unicode in general. Where can strings be broken to make them shorter to try and better fit a specific image width for a specific font and point size?
If anyone knows or has some knowledge of this great.
ASIDE: which raises the question, that if the implementation is too complex then may be Im should not bother with it. As I have said many times in IM Examples on text handling, ImageMagick is not a word processor, but a image processor.
The better solution is to use a proper text processing package such as TeX. This is a full text processing system (and thus very complex) that can batch process (no GUI requirement). If you are truly serious about text formatting in multiple fonts, styles, languages, than this is what you should be using. Its image (postscript) output can then be handled by IM for merging with other images or further image processing.
# apt-get install imagemagick
Чтение списков пакетов... Готово
Построение дерева зависимостей
Чтение информации о состоянии... Готово
Пакеты, которые будут обновлены:
обновлено 1, установлено 0 новых пакетов, для удаления отмечено 0 пакетов, и 90 пакетов не обновлено.
Необходимо скачать 1425kБ архивов.
После данной операции, объём занятого дискового пространства возрастёт на 0B.
Получено:1 lenny/main imagemagick 7: [1425kB]
Получено 1425kБ за 44s (31,9kБ/c)
(Чтение базы данных... на данный момент установлено 88031 файлов и каталогов.)
Подготовка к замене пакета imagemagick 7: (используется файл .../imagemagick_7%3a6.3.7.9.dfsg2-1~lenny1_amd64.deb)...
Распаковывается замена для пакета imagemagick ...
Обрабатываются триггеры для man-db ...
Настраивается пакет imagemagick (7: ...
convert -size 200x -background red caption:'(Чтение базы данных... на данный момент установлено 88031 файлов и каталогов.)' /var/www/a.png
bad. Hosters wouldn't build from scratch. They will wait for release, so and I.
But, however, problem is solved and it is magic news
Thank you very much!