I downloaded your image. you have two frames. the first is a completely opaque white image (so you really don't need this frame). the second is the red circle in a black background with an 8-bit alpha channel that is binary and not grayscale (it only has two colors, black and white so fully opaque and fully transparent and no ramping along the red boundary). Thus you cannot get the antialiased results with what you have provided. Perhaps you are not saving the same image you used in GIMP.
frame [0] stats
min: 255 (1)
max: 255 (1)
mean: 255 (1)
standard deviation: -0 (-0)
kurtosis: 0
skewness: 0
min: 255 (1)
max: 255 (1)
mean: 255 (1)
65536: (255,255,255,255) #FFFFFF white
frame [1] stats
min: 0 (0)
max: 255 (1)
mean: 202.872 (0.795578)
standard deviation: 102.836 (0.403279)
kurtosis: 0.148789
skewness: -1.46587
min: 0 (0)
max: 254 (0.996078)
mean: 0.362183 (0.00142032)
standard deviation: 9.29438 (0.0364485)
kurtosis: 665.428
skewness: 25.7694
min: 0 (0)
max: 254 (0.996078)
mean: 0.362183 (0.00142032)
standard deviation: 9.29438 (0.0364485)
kurtosis: 665.428
skewness: 25.7694
min: 0 (0)
max: 255 (1)
mean: 202.483 (0.794052)
standard deviation: 103.12 (0.404393)
kurtosis: 0.114961
skewness: 1.45429
13397: ( 0, 0, 0, 0) #00000000 none <--- this is the transparent black
52039: (255, 0, 0,255) #FF0000 red <---- this is fully opaque red (all the rest are also fully transparent colors around the boundary)
4: (255,186,186, 0) #FFBABA00 rgba(255,186,186,0)
4: (255,200,200, 0) #FFC8C800 rgba(255,200,200,0)
2: (255,207,207, 0) #FFCFCF00 rgba(255,207,207,0)
4: (255,211,211, 0) #FFD3D300 rgba(255,211,211,0)
4: (255,217,217, 0) #FFD9D900 rgba(255,217,217,0)
6: (255,220,220, 0) #FFDCDC00 rgba(255,220,220,0)
2: (255,223,223, 0) #FFDFDF00 rgba(255,223,223,0)
4: (255,227,227, 0) #FFE3E300 rgba(255,227,227,0)
2: (255,229,229, 0) #FFE5E500 rgba(255,229,229,0)
2: (255,238,238, 0) #FFEEEE00 rgba(255,238,238,0)
2: (255,240,240, 0) #FFF0F000 rgba(255,240,240,0)
14: (255,242,242, 0) #FFF2F200 rgba(255,242,242,0)
4: (255,245,245, 0) #FFF5F500 rgba(255,245,245,0)
4: (255,246,246, 0) #FFF6F600 rgba(255,246,246,0)
4: (255,250,250, 0) #FFFAFA00 rgba(255,250,250,0)
26: (255,252,252, 0) #FFFCFC00 rgba(255,252,252,0)
12: (255,254,254, 0) #FFFEFE00 rgba(255,254,254,0)
So no partial transparency to antialias and all these other extraneous colors presumably around the perimeter to cause problems (perhaps that is how GIMP antialiases?)
Here is my command:
convert circle.xcf[1] -background white -flatten circle.png
Here is the frame [1] image without the alpha channel
convert circle.xcf[1] -alpha off circle_aoff.png
Here is the frame [1] image alpha channel
convert circle.xcf[1] -alpha extract circle_aoff.png
I would just use IM to draw an antialiased red circle on a white background.