I am a newbie to ImageMagick, but did my first steps and I think (well, thought) I could get along with the basic functions of IM, but of course I am stuck now and hope someone can help me.
The situation:
I have several large TIF files (1200 dpi), which I want to
1. resize to 150dpi and 20% of the original size
2. put another image as a watermark layer over that image
First I tried these commands which work pretty fine with just one image:
1. convert -resize 20% -density 150x150 source.tif target.tif
2. composite -compose atop -gravity center -dissolve 25,100 -quality 85 watermark.tif target.tif wm_target.jpg
But when trying to put all commands in one batch file I fail.

I started using the mogrify command for the first part, but it is so weird:
mogrify -path mypath -resize 20% -density 150x150 *.tif
in a batch file results in TIF files that are way too small (about 30 k) compared with when directly executing the same (!) command line in the dos box (about 1.000 k). So the command line gives the correct result, but not when executing the batch file with exactly the same command. ??
And for the second part it's getting more complicated; of course I saw the examples with "for %%f in ... do (convert ...)" but I don't get it to work.

So any help or hint will be appreciated! Oh, btw I use the command line version fopr windows (version, windows xp sp3).
Thanks in advance