is there any way to understand if a pdf/image is color or GrayScale ?
link 2 production pdf :
I see that histogram can return different info :
convert PA3POH.pdf -format %c -depth 8 histogram:info:-
Code: Select all
453: (249,249,249) #F9F9F9 rgb(249,249,249)
160: (250,250,250) #FAFAFA grey98
145: (251,251,251) #FBFBFB rgb(251,251,251)
88: (252,252,252) #FCFCFC grey99
53: (253,253,253) #FDFDFD rgb(253,253,253)
34: (254,254,254) #FEFEFE rgb(254,254,254)
739286: (255,255,255) #FFFFFF white
convert pa5poh.pdf -format %c -depth 8 histogram:info:-
Code: Select all
221: (253,253,253, 0) #FDFDFD00 cmyk(253,253,253,0)
187: (254,254,254, 0) #FEFEFE00 cmyk(254,254,254,0)
156: (255,178,116, 0) #FFB27400 cmyk(255,178,116,0)
6: (255,211,169, 0) #FFD3A900 cmyk(255,211,169,0)
15854: (255,255,255, 0) #FFFFFF00 white
PA3POH.pdf -> RGB ?
pa5poh.pdf -> CMYK ?
If this can help me to understand if color or grayscale, how to extract only this info ? (RGB or CMYK)
thank you for your time,