Defining the rotation center within a composition

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Defining the rotation center within a composition

Post by euhost »

Dear IM-Users,

I have one background (theme.jpg) where i want to position an resized .jpg image (pic.jpg) on it.
Very often this pic.jpg needs to be rotated by its center point, which is driving me crazy.

The rotation is done by its bottom left corner (if value>0). I need to rotate the image by its center point.
Any hint how to do this?

Code: Select all

1. composite -geometry +70+81 \( pic.jpg[200x178] -matte -background none \) theme.jpg 
2. composite -geometry +70+81 \( pic.jpg[200x178] -rotate 20 -matte -background none \) theme.jpg out2.jpg
1. No Rotation

2. rotate 20

Here are the source images:

Thank you in advance
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Re: Defining the rotation center within a composition

Post by fmw42 »

convert theme.jpg \( pic.jpg -resize 200x178 -background none -rotate 20 \) -gravity center -composite theme_pic.jpg
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