IM convert CMYK -> RGB - LCMS issues

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IM convert CMYK -> RGB - LCMS issues

Post by sceneserver »

After a recent webserver upgrade to 64bit, and the latest IM install (successful dependency installl for lcms) my convert commands were no longer operating. I decided to move the image conversion scripts off the webserver to be able to go back to older versions that hopefully wouldnt cause problems.

I have a working setup on Centos 4.8 with a 6.0.x release of IM. LCMS is installed, but it is not being recognized by IM. When the script runs, it says "LCMS color profile unavailable" but still converts the image. I thought it was okay, but apparently after running for a few days the same symptoms are back again. Some images are converting over with a green tint. Most images are converting fine. From what I recall, a few years ago this is why I had to do the -profile arguments.

convert -density 150 $incomingimage -profile /profiles/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc -profile /profiles/sRGB.icm $convertedimage

Can anyone shed any light on how to get IM to recognize that LCMS is installed?

Can anyone shed any light on why images are not ALL tinted wrong? I would love to be able to tell the graphics department why these images are different than the other images that work fine.

Re: IM convert CMYK -> RGB - LCMS issues

Post by rhawk301 »

Any traction on this yet, ImageMagick team?

I found that I get a proper LIBS entry in CentOS 5, but NOT CentOS 4.

LIBS -lMagick -llcms -ltiff -lfreetype -ljpeg -lfontconfig -lXext -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lXt -lbz2 -lz -lpthread -lm -lpthread

I was wondering if you got a solution to this yet? Anything, just to get it working with CentOS 4 rpm's. thanks!

Re: IM convert CMYK -> RGB - LCMS issues

Post by sceneserver »

Its definitely not an ImageMagick issue, ive dealt with it several times over the years, and have had very little lucky getting support.

The issue, from what I gather, is just getting a set of Centos and LCMS that will install with each other, without failures.

I dont have the information handy this moment, but if you need, I can find out what versions I have exactly.
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