Did something change with regards to image gravity inside stacks that causes them to ignore the stack size? I have tried offsets and many other techniques with no luck.
Here is the convert statement:
Code: Select all
convert -quality 95 -size 7307x3675 xc:#000000 \
# Front Image Stack \
-gravity east \( -size 3638x3675 xc:none -gravity center \( -gravity northwest -resize 3638x3675! '/path/to/cover_front.jpg' \) -composite \) -compose over -composite \( -size 3638x3675 xc:none -pointsize 150 -fill '#FFFFFF' -stroke black -strokewidth 3.33 -gravity northwest -annotate +280+280 'This is the TITLE' -pointsize 100 -fill '#FFFFFF' -stroke black -strokewidth 3.33 -gravity southeast -annotate +280+280 'By John Smith' \) -compose over -composite \
#Back Image Stack \
-gravity west \( -size 3638x3675 xc:none -gravity center \( -gravity northeast -resize 3638x3675 "/path/to/cover_back.jpg" \) -composite \) -compose over -composite "/path/to/final_cover.jpg"