Error converting a logo testimage on HP-UX after installatio

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Error converting a logo testimage on HP-UX after installatio

Post by Herrmann »

After installing ImageMagick on HP-UX (PA-Risc-Architecture) we tested on commandline following test:

dvux66:root:ImageMagick-6.5.8-10> /usr/local/bin/convert logo:

convert: Error writing data for field "DocumentName". `logo.tif' @ tiff.c/TIFFErrors/493.

After this error message we tested it on another HP-UX Machine (Itanium-Architecture) successful.

Sorry but I found anywhere here on this site or in a searchresult about Image Magick a explaining text what error 493 means.

What is the problem?
How could we solve that?

Or is it a platform-specific issue on PA-Risc? Customer steady that both machines are equal on OS- and Components-Level
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Re: Error converting a logo testimage on HP-UX after install

Post by magick »

493 is the line number inside the TIFFErrors method inside the tiff.c ImageMagick source module. This exception is thrown by the TIFF delegate library and not ImageMagick. Type
  • identify -list format
and note the TIFF version #. Are they different between the two hosts? Either way, the problem is most likely within TIFF rather than ImageMagick.
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