Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
Don't know much about this. But did you try disabling OpenMP?
I am not sure of the server hardware and if OpenMP would make a difference. This project is on hold at the moment and I will look into it if it takes off again.
The server is Running CentOS 5. something.
I have read that there is no memory used with a defunct process but the screen shot was showing some cpu allocated to it. This may just be left over from what it had been using and the display had not caught up ?
This code was using 99% CPU but had plenty of memory spair and so I was monitoring it to see where the bottle neck was.