I encounter a very strange problem
When I try to run that command through my PHP code.
It does not run and does not copy to destination path .
but whne I try to run it through command prompt directly on server the same command runs well and copy source image to destination path....
convert /usr/dana/data/www.mydomain.com/includes/classes/workd ... 822359.jpg /usr/dana/data/www.mydomain.com/docs/upload/canvas/try.jpg
Any one can suggest something...
I dont know whats wrong with it...
Thanks in anticipation
convert not working...
Re: convert not working...
Has ImageMagick ever worked ?
Is the destination folder CHMOD to 777?
Are you using exec( ) ?
Out of interest you should not need the full path from root; try something like:
Is the destination folder CHMOD to 777?
Are you using exec( ) ?
Out of interest you should not need the full path from root; try something like:
Code: Select all
convert includes/classes/workdir/canvas_1268822359.jpg docs/upload/canvas/try.jpg