converting equirectangular panorama to cube faces

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converting equirectangular panorama to cube faces

Post by HaLo2FrEeEk »

I need to know (if there is) a way to use ImageMagick to convert an equirectangular spherical panorama to a set of cube faces. I have a very large equirect. Panorama (greater than 8000 pixels wide) and i'd like to get it into a cubic format. I'd prefer if I could get each face as a seperate image, and I also need it to be doable via commandline from a C# program that I'm writing.

I know that IM has the ability to take a set of cube faces and put them into a single cubic projection strip, but I need to take an existing equirect image and make it cubic. The program I'm writing needs to be automatic, so I have to be able to take a user's input picture and automatically convert it to cube faces so I can process them.

Is something like this possible? I'd really rather not require my users download a second program to do the cube face conversion if I can help it.
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Re: converting equirectangular panorama to cube faces

Post by fmw42 »

IM does not have this feature at this time, to my knowledge. I wrote some scripts to process fisheye images, but did not do that (yet). My scripts are available at the link below if any of them might help you. Unfortunately, they currently are very slow due to the use of -fx rather than a proper compiled function specific for such distortions.

Re: converting equirectangular panorama to cube faces

Post by HaLo2FrEeEk »

Ok ten. I know this is an ImageMagick forum and all, but can anyone suggest another tool that might achieve this?
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