10 bit dpx log to srgb conversion

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10 bit dpx log to srgb conversion

Post by danielHeen »

Hello again!

I'm now having trouble converting a 10 bit log dpx to an sRGB jpg.
The following comand results in a "solarized" image:

Code: Select all

convert input.dpx -colorspace srgb output.jpg
I'm using 6.6.0-8 and the log to lin conversion works great, but to sRGB space doesn't seem to be behaving. I've tried using profiles, but I'm interested in actually applying the sRGB color convertion to the image.

All help greatly appreciated!
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Re: 10 bit dpx log to srgb conversion

Post by magick »

Let's eliminate EXR for a moment. I need you to define "it acts funny and clips the image." Type
  • convert input.dpx input.pfm
    identify -verbose input.pfm
    convert input.dpx -colorspace srgb input.pfm
    identify -verbose input.pfm
Given the statistical distribution, what exactly is unexpected?
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