Aplha channel depending on intencity

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Aplha channel depending on intencity

Post by Kevich »

I have grayscale pic, and I need to set alpha channel of each pixel depending on white intecity. So if I have FF of intencity I'll need to have FF alpha channel, 22 -> 22 etc. Could someone help me how to do this using convert command line command
thanks in advance
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Re: Aplha channel depending on intencity

Post by snibgo »

convert in.png -alpha on -channel alpha -fx r out.png
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Re: Aplha channel depending on intencity

Post by fmw42 »


convert grayimage.xxx -alpha copy transparentimage.png

see http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/basics/#alpha_copy

Re: Aplha channel depending on intencity

Post by Kevich »

thank's a lot. Both methods are Okay =) i'm new at IM, so have some stucks, that's seems simple
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