Can I remove PDF margins?

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Can I remove PDF margins?

Post by spiderman2 »


I'm converting a scanned book to a format suitable for my eBook reader, so I now have a number of scanned and cropped jpeg images (one for each page) that I want to convert to a pdf file. ImageMagick is the only software that has succeeded in creating a pdf file readable on the eBook device. However, when i convert the jpeg images into the pdf file using

Code: Select all

convert protfys-*.jpg -crop 1560x2400+130+30 -compress Zip -monochrome -resize 1300 protfys.pdf
a margin is added to the pdf file so that the extracted images does not fill up the whole page but appear centered horizontally and vertically on the page. For optimal viewing on my eBook reader, I want the images to fill the page horizontally. Is this possible to do with ImageMagick?

Thankful for help,
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Re: Can I remove PDF margins?

Post by fmw42 »

don't know if this will help, but after a crop you should add +repage to avoid any potential virtual canvas

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