ich have severall tiff Images which i want to convert to jpg
these Tiff Files can either have a transparent Background and/or an additional Alpha Channel
Example File with Transparent background: http://home.arcor.de/durius.obsidian/transparent.tif
Example File with Alpha Channel: http://home.arcor.de/durius.obsidian/alpha2.tif
I started with a simple conversion: convert transparent.tif -resize 400x400 transparent.jpg http://home.arcor.de/durius.obsidian/transparent.jpg
Problem: Black Background. Ok i set background to white:
convert transparent.tif -background white -flatten -resize 400x400 transparent_white.jpg http://home.arcor.de/durius.obsidian/tr ... _white.jpg
looks fine, next image:
convert alpha2.tif -background white -resize 400x400 alpha_white.jpg http://home.arcor.de/durius.obsidian/alpha_white.jpg
Problem: the alphaChannel i used as mask, ok so no alpha channel:
convert -alpha off alpha2.tif -background white -resize 400x400 alpha_white_alpha_off.jpg http://home.arcor.de/durius.obsidian/al ... ha_off.jpg
looks fine, but can this command be used for the first image?
convert -alpha off transparent.tif -background white -resize 400x400 transparant_white_alpha_off.jpg http://home.arcor.de/durius.obsidian/tr ... ha_off.jpg
Problem: Background is black again. So my question: Is there a command line that would work on both images?
I must admit, that the transparent.tif is possible broken, because with other tiff Images with transparancies i get better results. Or have i found a missing feature?

ImageMagick version is:
convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.6.1-4 2010-04-20 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2010 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: OpenMP