defaults good enough for most shrinking resizing?

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defaults good enough for most shrinking resizing?

Post by kirkjerk »

Hi there--
I'm using some Perl Magick to automate some resizing tasks, and I just want to know if the defaults for resizing are good enough, like filter-wise...
The use cases are shrinking down some cartoonish images to from ~600px across to ~200, and then some photos from about ~1000 across to like 500. The documentations seems to suggest it's pretty advanced to specify a filter, so shoud I just let ImageMagick do its thing?
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Re: defaults good enough for most shrinking resizing?

Post by fmw42 »

I believe that the default shrinking filter, Lanczos, is probably as good as it gets, that is why it was made the default. If your file sizes are too big, try -strip, to get rid of any textual information such as profiles, etc.
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