I'm new to imagemagick, and am trying to join together several small images into a single large image, reading the small images from a folder and outputting the combined image to the browser.
I've looked at using 'Append' and can successfully join together a series of images either horizontally (all in a row), OR vertically (stacked below the previous one) using the 'stack' option. But I want join in both directions at the same time (for example join 2 tiles wide by 2 tiles deep.. 2x2, 10x10, 100x100 tile image...). All my small tiles are exactly the same square size in pixels... so i want to join a 'grid' of smaller tiles into one big image.
Below is the code i've used to join images together in one direction but i'd really appreciate some advice as to how i can develop this to join a grid of smaller images as explained above. I'm not even sure if Append is the best technique for this!?
Code: Select all
#!C:/Perl/bin/perl.exe -w
use Image::Magick;
# Turn off buffer
$| = 1;
# Build URL request string
my $url = "http://localhost/tiles/tile1.png" ;
my $url2 = "http://localhost/tiles/tile2.png" ;
my $url3 = "http://localhost/tiles/tile3.png" ;
my $url4 = "http://localhost/tiles/tile4.png" ;
my $image = new Image::Magick;
my $status = $image->Read($url,$url2,$url3,$url4);
die "$status\n" if $status;
# stack=>0 is horizontal =>1 is vertical
$status = $image->Append(stack=>0);
print "Content-type: image/png\n\n";
binmode STDOUT;
undef $image;