Identify to detect corrupted image file

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Identify to detect corrupted image file

Post by al3x »

Hi !

I'm looking how to use identify to detect corrupted image file. I call identify with php so I need it returns something (short) I could handle with php.

I have tried that to check if the format is known :

Code: Select all

identify -format "%m"
But when a JPEG file is not complete because FTP transfert has failed for example, it returns 'JPEG' so i can't know the file is corrupted

Thank you !
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Re: Identify to detect corrupted image file

Post by snibgo »

Code: Select all

convert infile NULL:
returns 0 on success, 1 on failure (eg if the file can't be converted).
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Re: Identify to detect corrupted image file

Post by al3x »

Thank you, Sounds good , I'll give it a try !
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Re: Identify to detect corrupted image file

Post by snibgo »

Thinking further, I think the docs say other non-zero values are possible on failure.
snibgo's IM pages:
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