I'm inclined to think this is a ghostscript version problem, but I want to confirm this before I go to the hassle of update gs on the server.
It would be a great help if somebody could test this on a recent version and tell me whether it works or not.
The following file works:
This one doesn't:
I'm testing it by calling gs directly (to confirm it's not an IM problem) using the following script:
Code: Select all
$source = 'fail.pdf';
$dest = 'fail.jpg';
$command = "gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=$dest $source";
$response = passthru($command);
echo $command.'<br/>';
echo $response.'<br/>';
The output tells me that the gs version is ESP Ghostscript 815.02 (2006-04-19)
The IM version is 6.2.8