I have an image with alpha. Exacty I've created it from base image and mask:
Code: Select all
convert user_photo_resized.tga -auto-level -brightness-contrast 0,4 -color-matrix ".788 0 0 0 .98 0 0 0 .996" \
mask_all.jpg user_photo_current_part.tga
And I have to compose this image with alpha, background image, and use second mask when composing with background. Here is command which I tried to use:
Code: Select all
convert "f0022.jpg" \( user_photo_current_part.tga -virtual-pixel transparent -background none -gravity northwest \
-extent 768x432 -distort Perspective "0,0 549,22 300,0 604,122 300,400 439,194 0,400 397,97" \) \
mask_20_25.jpg -composite result.jpg
[url=http://bu.fullrest.ru/pack.rar]Here[url] is archive with all base images and result
It will be perfect if commandline for composing will not be greatly different from mine, and will be usable for composing without mask_20_25.jpg when I dont need it.