IM Hangs When Converting Large TIF to FPX

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IM Hangs When Converting Large TIF to FPX

Post by chanca »

We are using ImageMagick 6.3.9 to convert TIF files to FPX. It works wonderfully. However, for TIF files over around 65 MB, the convert process hangs indefinitely. Note that for 60 MB files the convert process takes less than 30 seconds. Then for a 65 MB, it hangs indefinitely. This is the typical conversion string we use:

convert -density 72x72 -colorspace RGB gm_31718600.TIF gm_31718600.FPX

Does anyone have any idea why IM hangs? Thanks.
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Re: IM Hangs When Converting Large TIF to FPX

Post by magick »

Upgrade your version of ImageMagick if you can and see ... tera-pixel.

Re: IM Hangs When Converting Large TIF to FPX

Post by chanca »

OK false alarm. I tried the FPX conversion on a more powerful server and my 80MB TIFs completed fine. So, it's something resource (CPU or memory-related). Discussion closed.

Re: IM Hangs When Converting Large TIF to FPX

Post by chanca »

I misspoke. We are still having the problem. I have tried installing 6.6.3 and the problem still persists. I will look at the "Large Image Support" section of the Architecture guide. I'll keep you posted...

Re: IM Hangs When Converting Large TIF to FPX

Post by chanca »

I've run some tests using the -monitor command line switch.
- for 80MB TIF files, the progress stops at 85%
- for 200MB TIF files, the progress stops at 77%

I'm suspecting that I'm hitting some kind of limit, either a file size limit (perhaps due to FPX specification) or a resource limit

In terms of the file size limit, in the Architecture guide under Large Image Support, it states that some image formats have restrictions on image size. I don't know what that is for FPX files. I have taken a look at the FPX specification document at, but haven't found any mention of any limit.

In terms of a resource limit, I appear to be well within limits. For my 85 MB file with dimensions 6091x4653, the pixel cache is 225 MB (6091*4653*2*8). When I query the limits on my system, I get

@eris (~)$ identify -list resource
File Area Memory Map Disk
192 63.75gb 47.8125gb 127.5gb 16eb

So, these are some of the questions that I'm considering next:
Are there any dimension limitations (height/width) for files being converted to FPX?
Are there any size limitations for files being converted to FPX?
What version of ImageMagick is best suited to generate FPX images from TIF files? Q8? Q16? Q32?

If anyone has any advice that would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: IM Hangs When Converting Large TIF to FPX

Post by magick »

To provide further help, we'll need to reproduce the problem. Post a URL to your image and the exact command you are using.
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