Converting EPS (CMYK) to JPG (RGB)

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Converting EPS (CMYK) to JPG (RGB)

Post by slinky66 »

Hi All,

I have a bunch of .eps files (CMYK) that I need to convert to .jpg (RGB) files.

The following command sometimes gives me under or over saturated .jpg images, when compared to the source EPS file:

Code: Select all

$cmd = "convert -density 300 -quality 100% -colorspace RGB ".$epsURL." -flatten -strip ".$convertedURL; 

Is there a smarter way to do this such that the converted image will have the same qualities as the source EPS file?

Here is a sample of the source file info:

Image: rejm.eps
Format: PS (PostScript)
Class: DirectClass
Geometry: 537x471
Base geometry: 1074x941
Type: ColorSeparation
Endianess: Undefined
Colorspace: CMYK
Channel depth:
Cyan: 8-bit
Magenta: 8-bit
Yellow: 8-bit
Black: 8-bit
Channel statistics:
Min: 0 (0)
Max: 255 (1)
Mean: 161.913 (0.634955)
Standard deviation: 72.8257 (0.285591)
Min: 0 (0)
Max: 255 (1)
Mean: 184.261 (0.722591)
Standard deviation: 75.7933 (0.297229)
Min: 0 (0)
Max: 255 (1)
Mean: 70.6607 (0.277101)
Standard deviation: 39.8677 (0.156344)
Min: 0 (0)
Max: 195 (0.764706)
Mean: 34.4382 (0.135052)
Standard deviation: 38.1863 (0.14975)
Total ink density: 292%
Colors: 210489
Rendering intent: Undefined
Resolution: 28.35x28.35
Units: PixelsPerCentimeter
Filesize: 997.727kb
Interlace: None
Background color: white
Border color: #DFDFDFDFDFDF
Matte color: grey74
Page geometry: 537x471+0+0
Dispose: Undefined
Iterations: 0
Compression: Undefined
Orientation: Undefined
Signature: 8ea00688cb5ae496812125e8a5aea40b0f0e69c9b49b2dc4eb028b22f76f2964
Profile-iptc: 19738 bytes

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Re: Converting EPS (CMYK) to JPG (RGB)

Post by magick »

Use two color profiles to convert CMYK to RGB. Typically you use a SWOP and sRGB color profile with the -profile option.
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