I adapted an example from the help to divide big images in small tiles, each in a file named with it's original tile x y position :
It works fine with my 160x160 pixel example, but with my 3200x3200 actual file it is slooooow : 30s per tile.convert test.png -crop 32x32 -set filename:tile "%[fx:page.x/32],%[fx:page.y/32]" +repage +adjoin "c:\result\%[filename:tile].png"
Works out to 3+ days per file, and I have 89 such files...
What is wrong here ? I can only assume the file is re-read for each crop...
Is there a fix ?
Bonus questions :
1) If my original file is named "[h][v].xcf", is it possible to use the h an v part in the output name ?
2) Is it possible to skip and not ouptut empty (full transparent) tiles ?
(presumably not, as I read there is little conditional)
3) Is it possible to search-and replace one image as part of another ?
(help is under construction)
In my case replace a 5x5 "you are here" marker with background color.
I browsed the help, but ImageMagick is just too big for me.