Error reading DPX file in version 6.6.2-5

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Error reading DPX file in version 6.6.2-5

Post by cvazquez »

Hi All,

I am having problems reading a DPX file in the last version (6.6.2-5). I am able to read the file properly in version 6.5.9-0. I am sorry I can not share the file because it is under copyright, so I am posting the outputs from identify for both versions. The versions are running in two different OSs.

header of the file:


Case 1 (not working)

- OS: Vista win64
- IM: 6.6.2-5
- identify output:
Magick: unable to read image data `test.dpx' @ error/dpx.c/ReadDPXImage/1133.

With debug information:
2010-06-20T13:43:33-04:00 0:00.017 0.016u 6.6.2 Resource Magick[8928]: resource.c/AcquireMagickResource/262/Resource
Memory: 25.49MB/24.31MiB/23.778GiB
2010-06-20T13:43:33-04:00 0:00.017 0.016u 6.6.2 Cache Magick[8928]: cache.c/OpenPixelCache/4132/Cache
open test.dpx[0] (heap memory, 2048x1556 24.31MiB)
2010-06-20T13:43:33-04:00 0:00.313 0.312u 6.6.2 Exception Magick[8928]: dpx.c/ReadDPXImage/1133/Exception
unable to read image data `test.dpx'
2010-06-20T13:43:33-04:00 0:00.313 0.312u 6.6.2 Cache Magick[8928]: cache.c/DestroyPixelCache/1601/Cache
destroy test.dpx[0]
2010-06-20T13:43:33-04:00 0:00.315 0.328u 6.6.2 Resource Magick[8928]: resource.c/RelinquishMagickResource/801/Resource
Memory: 25.49MB/0B/23.778GiB
Magick: unable to read image data `test.dpx' @ error/dpx.c/ReadDPXImage/1133.

Case 2 (working fine):
- OS: XP sp3 win32
- IM: 6.5.9-0
- identify output:
Image: test.dpx
Format: DPX (SMPTE 268M-2003 (DPX 2.0))
Class: DirectClass
Geometry: 2048x1556+0+0
Resolution: 72x72
Print size: 28.4444444444444x21.6111111111111
Units: Undefined
Type: TrueColor
Base type: TrueColor
Endianess: MSB
Colorspace: Log
Depth: 10-bit
Channel depth:
red: 10-bit
green: 10-bit
blue: 10-bit
Channel statistics:
min: 58 (0.0567025253681239)
max: 812 (0.793743801022354)
mean: 273.626072395737 (0.267217038732389)
standard deviation: 87.3486346094145 (0.0853027026017018)
kurtosis: 3.88196346204977
skewness: 1.67478588947655
min: 55 (0.0537575341420615)
max: 847 (0.827954528114748)
mean: 280.136189276884 (0.273574671758916)
standard deviation: 82.3466283810094 (0.0804178563574365)
kurtosis: 3.47106423702497
skewness: 1.21900974845393
min: 13 (0.0127107652399481)
max: 759 (0.74193942168307)
mean: 260.082158669714 (0.2539903586612)
standard deviation: 90.4072772832116 (0.0882897039158548)
kurtosis: 2.13977865884264
skewness: 0.891656014002242
Image statistics:
min: 13 (0.0127107652399481)
max: 847 (0.827954528114748)
mean: 203.461105085584 (0.198695517288126)
standard deviation: 139.632359362555 (0.136361806656039)
kurtosis: -0.292234256579141
skewness: -0.0399370370333395
Rendering intent: Undefined
Interlace: None
Background color: white
Border color: log(223,223,223)
Matte color: grey74
Transparent color: black
Compose: Over
Page geometry: 2048x1556+0+0
Dispose: Undefined
Iterations: 0
Compression: Undefined
Orientation: TopLeft
comment: xxxxxxxxx-convert-060110
date:create: 2010-06-04T11:31:05-04:00
date:modify: 2010-06-04T11:31:05-04:00
document: xxxxxxxxxxx.00001.dpx
dpx:file.creator: ARRISCAN055
dpx:file.ditto.key: 1
dpx:file.filename: xxxxxxxxxxx.00001.dpx
dpx:file.project: xxxxxxxxxx-convert-060110
dpx:file.timestamp: 2010:06:01:13:44:16+10
dpx:file.version: V1.0
dpx:film.count: 6686
dpx:film.frame_position: 0
dpx:film.held_count: 0
dpx:film.offset: 11
dpx:film.prefix: 736388
dpx:film.sequence_extent: 42
dpx:film.type: 73
dpx:image.orientation: 0
dpx:orientation.aspect_ratio: 1x1
dpx:orientation.border: 0x0+0+0
dpx:orientation.device: S6-219
dpx:orientation.x_center: 1024
dpx:orientation.x_offset: 0
dpx:orientation.x_size: 2048
dpx:orientation.y_center: 778
dpx:orientation.y_offset: 0
dpx:orientation.y_size: 1556
dpx:television.frame_rate: 24
dpx:television.time.code: 00:00:00:00
dpx:television.user.bits: 00:00:00:00
signature: 0c6214174c1c0d2bcac00515e176c73e499b2eb23473974ecb6f9a3f0c019e05
software: ARRISCAN055
Profiles: 6112 bytes
verbose: true
Tainted: False
Filesize: 12.75MB
Number pixels: 3.187MB
Pixels per second: 3.292MB
User time: 0.500u
Elapsed time: 0:01.967
Version: ImageMagick 6.5.9-0 2010-01-11 Q16

Is there anything I am missing with respect to DPX files? I was working without any problem wit version 6.5.9 under xp32 but I am not able to make it work in Vista or Win7 64 for version 6.6.2-5. I will try to get a DPX image for testing, but that could take some time. In the meantime, if anyone has a suggestion as to why this is not working or a workaround to read these DPX files I would be very grateful.

Thanks a lot for any help,

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Re: Error reading DPX file in version 6.6.2-5

Post by snibgo »

I have reported this as a possible bug. See here for progress: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=16468
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Re: Error reading DPX file in version 6.6.2-5

Post by magick »

We can reproduce the problem you posted and have a patch. Look for it in ImageMagick 6.6.2-7 Beta by sometime tomorrow. Thanks.
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Re: Error reading DPX file in version 6.6.2-5

Post by snibgo »

Excellent, many thanks.
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Re: Error reading DPX file in version 6.6.2-5

Post by cvazquez »

Thank you very much.
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