I'm trying to convert in place from AdobeRGB JPGs with Mogrify using the following command line:
mogrify 1_aRGB.jpg -profile sRGB.icc
This updates the file but does not seem to do the conversion, looking with Inspect it still lists:
Profile-8bim: 8158 bytes
Profile-exif: 6751 bytes
Profile-icc: 560 bytes
Description: Adobe RGB (1998)
Manufacturer: Adobe RGB (1998)
Model: Adobe RGB (1998)
Copyright: Copyright 1999 Adobe Systems Incorporated
And visually when checked in a non-colour managed browser (IE8) it's still very obviously in AdobeRGB.
However I can get an image in sRGB by using Convert:
convert 1_aRGB.jpg -profile sRGB.icc sRGB_image.jpg
So am I using Mogrify correctly here, or is there a bug?
I am using: http://www.imagemagick.org/download/bin ... ws-dll.exe
Converting from AdobeRGB to sRGB using mogrify
Converting from AdobeRGB to sRGB using mogrify
Last edited by dws21 on 2010-06-21T05:05:06-07:00, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Converting from AdobeRGB to sRGB using mogrify does not
Ah, it appears to work if you specify the same filename as the output:
mogrify 1_aRGB.jpg -profile sRGB.icc 1_aRGB.jpg
So without writing a script is there an easy way to get Mogrify to recurse a folder tree converting all images in it to sRGB?
mogrify 1_aRGB.jpg -profile sRGB.icc 1_aRGB.jpg
So without writing a script is there an easy way to get Mogrify to recurse a folder tree converting all images in it to sRGB?
Re: Converting from AdobeRGB to sRGB using mogrify does not
I seem to be answering my own questions here. 
A little more play and it seems that with Mogrify you need to specify the filename at the end, so for a simple batch file to Mogrify images to sRGB and recurse sub folders:
FOR /R %%a IN (*.jpg) DO mogrify -profile sRGB.icc "%%a"
Hope this helps someone else.

A little more play and it seems that with Mogrify you need to specify the filename at the end, so for a simple batch file to Mogrify images to sRGB and recurse sub folders:
FOR /R %%a IN (*.jpg) DO mogrify -profile sRGB.icc "%%a"
Hope this helps someone else.
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Re: Converting from AdobeRGB to sRGB using mogrify
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