change the color of a single specified pixel

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change the color of a single specified pixel

Post by melisen »

Hi all.

I want to change the color of a single specified pixel and save the result in another file.

So far I have managed to change a specified pixel to black

Code: Select all

convert /Users/anders/Desktop/teest2.png -draw ‘color 395,324 point' /Users/anders/Desktop/teest3.png 
But how do I specify which color I want the pixel to be?
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Joined: 2005-03-21T21:16:57-07:00

Re: change the color of a single specified pixel

Post by el_supremo »

Precede the -color command with
-fill yellow
-fill rgb(255,255,0)
which with a Q8 IM will also be yellow, or equivalently,
-fill rgb(100%,100%,0)
which will do the same thing in Q8 and Q16.

Sorry, my ISP shutdown all personal webspace so my MagickWand Examples in C is offline.
See my message in this topic for a link to a zip of all the files.

Re: change the color of a single specified pixel

Post by melisen »

Do you mean
convert /Users/anders/Desktop/teest2.png -draw -fill yellow ‘color 395,324 point' /Users/anders/Desktop/teest3.png

I have tried but no luck. I have tried a number of variations that didn´t work either:
convert /Users/anders/Desktop/teest2.png -draw -fill yellow ‘color 395,324 point' /Users/anders/Desktop/teest3.png

convert /Users/anders/Desktop/teest2.png -draw '-fill yellow color 395,324 point' /Users/anders/Desktop/teest3.png

convert /Users/anders/Desktop/teest2.png -draw '-fill yellow 395,324 point' /Users/anders/Desktop/teest3.png

convert /Users/anders/Desktop/teest2.png -fill yellow 'color 395,324 point' /Users/anders/Desktop/teest3.png
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Joined: 2005-03-21T21:16:57-07:00

Re: change the color of a single specified pixel

Post by el_supremo »

Sorry, I don't know how I got that so drastically wrong.
I meant before the -draw:

Code: Select all

convert /Users/anders/Desktop/teest2.png -fill yellow -draw ‘color 395,324 point' /Users/anders/Desktop/teest3.png
Sorry, my ISP shutdown all personal webspace so my MagickWand Examples in C is offline.
See my message in this topic for a link to a zip of all the files.
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Re: change the color of a single specified pixel

Post by anthony »

-fill is done outside -draw inside -draw use 'fill' Don' forget the quotes, -draw only takes one argument.

Code: Select all

    -fill yellow -draw 'color 395,324 point'

Code: Select all

    -draw 'fill yellow color 395,324 point'
NOTE: their is a difference between 'point 395,324' and 'color 395,324 point' The first is overlay the color, the second is replace the color.But this is only if drawing transparent colors....

See Im Examples Draw 'Color Fill Primatives'
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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