unrecognized interlace type `None'

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unrecognized interlace type `None'

Post by vk_imagemagick »


I am seeing the following exception when attempting to process some images using ImageMagick: Exception 410: unrecognized interlace type `None' @ error/Magick.xs/SetAttribute/1605

Can someone help to point me in the right direction of where the validity of this type if determined?
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Re: unrecognized interlace type `None'

Post by fmw42 »

please supply the exact command you are using and what version of IM and what platform.

Re: unrecognized interlace type `None'

Post by vk_imagemagick »

ImageMagick Version:
ImageMagick 6.6.0-10 2010-04-03 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2010 ImageMagick Studio LLC

Solaris 8 HW 5/03 s28s_hw2wos_06a SPARC
Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Assembled 30 April 2003
Log info (from my script):
From the logs I’m working with:
8/06/2010 14:11 DEBUG(28861): resize() Result:, Exception 410: unrecognized interlace type `None' @ error/Magick.

Call to resize, via a script that uses PerlMagick to call ImageMagick:
$x = $image->Resize(Geometry=>$geometry."!", filter=>'Lanczos');
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Re: unrecognized interlace type `None'

Post by fmw42 »

Sorry I don't know perlmagick, but if you provide your image, I can try -resize in command line mode and see if that gives the same error. It really sounds like an image problem and not an IM problem.

Re: unrecognized interlace type `None'

Post by vk_imagemagick »

I will test inline - I should have thought of that. I will provide an update to the thread.
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Re: unrecognized interlace type `None'

Post by fmw42 »

you can also use

identify -verbose imagename

and see what it tells you about interlace and see if that is a valid interlace type for IM and your file format.

Re: unrecognized interlace type `None'

Post by vk_imagemagick »

Wow, this is starting to be a hair pulling exercise. I'm able to convert images from the command line without issue, and this same code that causes a gripe works fine on servers running ImageMagick 6.5.9-0.

Via PerlMagick, I'm setting the interlace with the following:
$x = $image->Write(interlace=>'None',quality=>$quality,matte=>'False',compression=>'JPEG',filename=>"$outputfile");

So...I'm going to take this to the PerlMagick group if I cannot trace it to something different between versions.
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