Back.eps has rounded corners, so I'd like the corner-voids to be transparent.
logo.eps has a transparent background, so it should overlay back.eps.
gloss.eps has a transparent background, and a semi-transparent finish.
All three files are sized proportionally, so that they will stack appropriately.
I can use IM to achieve some of the desired outcomes, but not all of them. For example:
1. I can overlay logo-eps onto back.eps and maintain the transparency, if I use colorspace rgb, but the color conversion isn't great, and overlaying gloss.eps doesn't provide any alpha transparency for the gloss art.
2. I can get the color right on back.eps using profiles and then set colorspace to rgb, so the background and the logo look right, but I've lost the corner-void transaparency, and I still can't overlay the gloss without losing the alpha transparency.
Code: Select all
convert -density 300 -background none back.eps[150x150] -profile "H:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\color\USWebCoatedSWOP.icc" \
-profile "H:\Windows\system32\spool\drivers\color\colormatchrgb.icc" -trim -gravity center -colorspace rgb -background none \
logo.eps[100x100] -composite -background none -gravity south gloss.eps[150x] -composite icon.png
Am I being too ambitious in trying to do this all in one command? If I need more than one command, what would be the ideal intermediary steps?