Draw annotation with small size (Font size)

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Draw annotation with small size (Font size)

Post by paul198204 »


I would like to draw Annotation on Image with small font size (i.e 8) and in Normal style. I am setting the font size to 8 before drawing lable (annotation) on Image.

But annotation is getting drawn in Bold, I am not getting what is the reason.

Any urgent help would be appreciated.

Praveen V
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Re: Draw annotation with small size (Font size)

Post by anthony »

You need to get a font that can be drawn at small scales.

Arial works ok, but only to a point.

Some X window bitmap fonts generate generate very tiny text, but I haven't attempted to get Im to use them in years, and you generally need an X window server running to render your string using such a font.
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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