two images animate

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two images animate

Post by puffy »


how do I put two images side by side in the simultaneous imagemagick?
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Re: two images animate

Post by fmw42 »

puffy wrote:Hello

how do I put two images side by side in the simultaneous imagemagick?
You message is somewhat confusing? Do you want the images side-by-side or as two frames of an animation?

If side-by-side:

convert image1 image2 +append resultimage

if an animation

convert -delay XX image1 image2 -loop 0 result.gif

See ... php#append

Re: two images animate

Post by puffy »

I'ts was animate . I want two images animate side-by-side . Examples:

imagem1_anim.gif imagem_anim.gif resultanim.gif
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Re: two images animate

Post by fmw42 »

Still not sure I understand. Do you want two animations put side-by-side into one animation?

If so, then you need to study the following as I am not an expert on animations. I suspect you have to use -coalesce, then +append on a frame-by-frame basis. The issue is that if you have two animations, they may have different number of frames and different delays. Likewise, but perhaps easier if you just want to combine two animations into one animation where all the frames of the second animation follow those of the first animation. Examples of the latter may be in the second link below?

see ... p#coalesce

Re: two images animate

Post by puffy »

For examples:

composite image -page +19+23 -page +700+30 image1_anim.gif image2_anim.gif resultend.gif.

image1_anim.gif and image2_anim.gif...... have that simultaneously!

I understand?
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Re: two images animate

Post by anthony »

Difficult unless the two images have the exact same number of frames and timings.

See Animation append, and later sections
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages

Re: two images animate

Post by puffy »

I want 3 images animate at time at 1 image (1 panel). Have how has?
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Re: two images animate

Post by anthony »

puffy wrote:I want 3 images animate at time at 1 image (1 panel). Have how has?
Your request is still confusing.

Please be clear about exactly what you want!
describe the images or animations
describe the final result wanted
Give (small) examples of input, and is posible the output, is you can.
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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