Monitoring progress with Magick++

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Monitoring progress with Magick++

Post by imcz »


I am using the Magick++ interface and I'd like to get notified about the internal progresses while opening/saving/processing images.
While searching the web, I found this entry: ... 02097.html

which says there is no real monitor interface in Magick++, but the Core methods can be used with Magick++ classes as well (just one monitor per time limit, which would be ok).

I tried first registering the monitor in general as described in the above article:

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where monitor looks like:

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MagickCore::MagickBooleanType monitor(const char* szTask, const MagickCore::MagickOffsetType position, const MagickCore::MagickSizeType span, MagickCore::ExceptionInfo* clientData);
after that, I tried to register per image, with an Magick++ object of type Image called img, the call looks like:

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with the monitor function being slightly different:

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MagickCore::MagickBooleanType monitor2(const char* szTask, const MagickCore::MagickOffsetType position, const MagickCore::MagickSizeType span, void* clientData);
None of those functions are ever called during image processing/loading.
What is the proper way to get some feedback when using the Magick++ interface?

Thanks in advance

Re: Monitoring progress with Magick++

Post by imcz »

I found now something out:

monitor2 is getting actually called during processing.
It is just important that the image reference can change due to previous operations.

One problem remains though:
Is there a way to get the current progress while loading/reading a new image file?

The monitor2 does not work as the image reference gets created during the call, so there is no way to pass that to the monitor function.
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