creating implosion effect

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creating implosion effect

Post by manit »

I have this idea that if we divide an image into concentric annular rings & rotate each successive ring (say starting from image center ) by few degrees then it will be a spectacular effect .
Is there a way to create mask of specific ring (giving inner & outer diameter along with circle center) then rotate that ring & superimpose it over final empty canvas repetitively. so that empty canvas turns into our desired visual effect after all rings have been processed .
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Re: creating implosion effect

Post by anthony »

This isn't implosion as the subject suggests, but a swirl effect.

See Simple Image Warps, Swirl

It does exactly as you describe.

The Effect is a form of Image distortion, where each coordinate is shifted or moved to a new position.
The whole distortion process is generally described in the very next IM examples section.
General Distortion Techniques

After this a more general distortion operator, in which new and varied distortion methods can be described.
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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