I'm a very new user of ImageMagick. In fact I just installed it today. I'm in Windows XP.
I'm using R to analyse biological data. An R package called 'rgl' gives me some useful functions to generate 3D scatterplots, including a function to generate rotations of 3D plots, saving individual frames, and calling Magick in teh background to generate an animated GIF file of the rotation.
Pretty cool, but that means I'm not exactly familiar with what's going on with Magick.
I used it successfuly to create a nice .GIF of a rotation (360 images). No problem: the system works as intended.
However I tried it now on a larger set, and the process failed with a couple of error messages that are derived from Magick. There's a memory problem and I'm not sure whether I can change some settings somewhere to overcome this issue. I have 600 images now. Any suggestions?
This is the full report after running my R command:
Writing movie000.png
Writing movie001.png
Writing movie599.png
Writing movie600.png
Will create: D:/_Data/101004 - Tissue variation paper/3d-3/movie.gif
Executing: convert -delay 1x30 movie*.png movie.gif
Magick: memory allocation failed `movie.gif' @ error/quantize.c/QuantizeImage/2580.
Magick: memory allocation failed `movie.gif' @ error/gif.c/WriteGIFImage/1627.
Thank you!
"memory allocation failed" - anything I can do?
Re: "memory allocation failed" - anything I can do?
- convert -limit area 0 -delay 1x30 movie*.png movie.gif
Re: "memory allocation failed" - anything I can do?
Thank you for the suggestion.
I'm not able to modify the call to Magick from within the package I'm using but I should be able to write my own call. I guess I'll have to do a bit of reading about the command line options for Magick. It looks pretty impressive, all it can do!
I'm not able to modify the call to Magick from within the package I'm using but I should be able to write my own call. I guess I'll have to do a bit of reading about the command line options for Magick. It looks pretty impressive, all it can do!