Is ImageMagick thread-safe with --without-threads option?

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Is ImageMagick thread-safe with --without-threads option?

Post by ankopang »

Hi there!

I'm trying to integrate ImageMagick with my project and I got some problems.
I'm using the Boost thread library and it seems not compatible with ImageMagick for some reason.
I've configured IM with --disable-openmp option but it still crashes when a magick function was called in a subthread.

So I've decided to use the --without-thread option to disable the multithread support, because what I want to do is not that
performance-sensetive. (merely resizing of some jpeg images)
But my application is still multithreaded so I need to guarantee that ImageMagick is still thread-safe with
the --without-thread option when called by multiple threads at the same time.

Can anybody confirm this?
Thanks a lot in advance!
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