Something like this:
Code: Select all
convert C:/overlay.tif -geometry 960x540 C:\input.tif -compose multiply -gravity center -composite C:\output.tif
Is that possible somehow?
Code: Select all
convert C:/overlay.tif -geometry 960x540 C:\input.tif -compose multiply -gravity center -composite C:\output.tif
Code: Select all
convert ( C:/overlay.tif -geometry 960x540 ) C:\input.tif -compose multiply -gravity center -composite C:\output.tif
Both images should not be resized. The definition for -geometry in "convert" is that it should just resize the last image!ProfessorJerk wrote:The problem I'm trying to over come is the input.tif is also resized.Code: Select all
convert C:/overlay.tif -geometry 960x540 C:\input.tif -compose multiply -gravity center -composite C:\output.tif
Code: Select all
convert granite: -geometry 50% rose: +append show:
Code: Select all
convert C:\input.tif C:/overlay.tif -geometry 50% -gravity center -composite C:\output.tif
granite: rose: logo: are built in images. that is they come from data internal to the core library.ProfessorJerk wrote:I'm not sure what your syntax represents. if granite: is a tag where do you load the image?