Changing DPI with resampling of an image

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Changing DPI with resampling of an image

Post by so0ly »


I want to change the DPI of my image using imagemagick, now i found out this can be done by using -density. But as i understand it this will just edit the metadata (filesize remains the same) of the image and the DPI value will be used when printing (it's actually PPI i thought). If you change it it will make the print size larger. But what if i want to change the DPI with resampling (so that it keeps the same size and removes the extra pixels)? This way i will have a bit of quality loss but the filesize will be smaller.

I found the info about DPI and resampling here:

I'm not an expert in these things so it's possible that i'm wrong..

kind regards,
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Re: Changing DPI with resampling of an image

Post by fmw42 »

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