Single page from PDF to JPEG. Turning monochrome?!

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Single page from PDF to JPEG. Turning monochrome?!

Post by henry »

Hello folks,

I am trying to create thumbnail views of the front pages of some multi page PDFs. If I take a single PDF file and use this:

Code: Select all

convert source.pdf -scale 142 dest.jpg
I get a lot of great looking little images of each page. This is great. If I now try to take just the first page by doing this:

Code: Select all

convert source.pdf[0] -scale 142 dest.jpg
I get the first page only and it is the right size, but it is in monochrome... I can't understand why! Can anyone please help?

If it helps, I have ghostscript installed correctly and am using the -dUseCIEColor fix to correct the CMYK to RGB conversion (without this, they all come out very wrong indeed..). I have used imagemagick and gs successfully together on other projects, so I'm pretty sure there are no installation or configuration issues... I hope!

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Single page from PDF to JPEG. Turning monochrome?!

Post by fmw42 »

are you sure your first page of the PDF is not actually b/w?

what do you get from

convert source.pdf[0] test.pdf


convert source.pdf[0] test.png

Is your ghostscript up to date?
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