Font recognition?

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Font recognition?

Post by Ventzy »

Is it possible to post an image with text to ImageMagick, and to get which font family, font style, font size is the text?

I suppose I must have samples of fonts, that will be recognizable and the process will be approximate (if possible at all).
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Re: Font recognition?

Post by anthony »

IM can not recognise fonts in images. To it is is just an image.

Only OCR software can convert images to text, and then it is not trying to figure out what type of font is being used.

If you really need to know what font it is the only real way is to try annotating different fonts at different point sizes and resolutions until you get a close match. That however is still a large space and I doubt font selection itself can be automated, though pointsize may be possible.
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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