Need to split image to make 2 separate images from one
- Posts: 19
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Need to split image to make 2 separate images from one
What's the best way to do this? the split would need to be done from a diagnol line, not vert or horiz based on how the image( two trees) is set up.
Thanks, Ya'll are awesome on helpful.
Thanks, Ya'll are awesome on helpful.
- fmw42
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Re: Need to split image to make 2 separate images from one
Post a link to your image so that one can see what you need to do and explain where it needs to be split. Sound like you need to create a mask with two colors white and black and draw a triangle like polygon to fill one color and the rest be the other color. See -draw at
also what is your IM version and platform
also what is your IM version and platform
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Re: Need to split image to make 2 separate images from one
Here is the first image that needs to be split ... banana.jpg
Thanks.. ... banana.jpg
- fmw42
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Re: Need to split image to make 2 separate images from one
Please explain or draw lines on your photo to show how you want it split.
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Re: Need to split image to make 2 separate images from one
i would simply like to have each tree in a separate image to later be manipulated. The bottom black (ground) portion is not too important on how it is split. I just need to be able to work with each tree separately.
- fmw42
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Re: Need to split image to make 2 separate images from one
run these 3 commands:
convert -size 2800x1949 xc:black -fill white \
-draw "polygon 1532,0 1532,756 1440,824 1440,1949 2800,1949 2800,0" \
-alpha off banana_mask.gif
convert banana.jpg banana_mask.gif -alpha off -compose copy_opacity -composite \
-compose over -background white -flatten banana_right.jpg
convert banana.jpg \( banana_mask.gif -negate \) -alpha off -compose copy_opacity -composite \
-compose over -background white -flatten banana_left.jpg
convert -size 2800x1949 xc:black -fill white \
-draw "polygon 1532,0 1532,756 1440,824 1440,1949 2800,1949 2800,0" \
-alpha off banana_mask.gif
convert banana.jpg banana_mask.gif -alpha off -compose copy_opacity -composite \
-compose over -background white -flatten banana_right.jpg
convert banana.jpg \( banana_mask.gif -negate \) -alpha off -compose copy_opacity -composite \
-compose over -background white -flatten banana_left.jpg
- anthony
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Re: Need to split image to make 2 separate images from one
I would mask out the ground, as you say it is irrelevent. Perhaps make it a separate 'split'.aLabelMaker wrote:i would simply like to have each tree in a separate image to later be manipulated. The bottom black (ground) portion is not too important on how it is split. I just need to be able to work with each tree separately.
With the ground removed you now have two shapes, that can be segmented into two seperate images.
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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Re: Need to split image to make 2 separate images from one
fmw42 wrote:run these 3 commands:
convert -size 2800x1949 xc:black -fill white \
-draw "polygon 1532,0 1532,756 1440,824 1440,1949 2800,1949 2800,0" \
-alpha off banana_mask.gif
convert banana.jpg banana_mask.gif -alpha off -compose copy_opacity -composite \
-compose over -background white -flatten banana_right.jpg
convert banana.jpg \( banana_mask.gif -negate \) -alpha off -compose copy_opacity -composite \
-compose over -background white -flatten banana_left.jpg
The first command went good and produced black/white polygon image.
The next 2 did not yield the right output with the trees. Both trees are present in both of the next 2 commands?
- Posts: 19
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Re: Need to split image to make 2 separate images from one
...I got what I wanted by changing the command to this...aLabelMaker wrote:fmw42 wrote:run these 3 commands:
convert -size 2800x1949 xc:black -fill white \
-draw "polygon 1532,0 1532,756 1440,824 1440,1949 2800,1949 2800,0" \
-alpha off banana_mask.gif
convert banana.jpg banana_mask.gif -alpha off -compose copy_opacity -composite \
-compose over -background white -flatten banana_right.jpg
convert banana.jpg \( banana_mask.gif -negate \) -alpha off -compose copy_opacity -composite \
-compose over -background white -flatten banana_left.jpg
The first command went good and produced black/white polygon image.
The next 2 did not yield the right output with the trees. Both trees are present in both of the next 2 commands?
convert banana.jpg \( banana_mask.gif -negate \) -alpha off -compose copy_opacity -composite \> -compose over -background none banana_leftp.png
I changed background to none, and took out the "-flatten" command and it worked.
Now planning to cut image so that only the tree's are shown in pic.
- fmw42
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Re: Need to split image to make 2 separate images from one
This command does not make sense to me. Especially the \>.convert banana.jpg \( banana_mask.gif -negate \) -alpha off -compose copy_opacity -composite \> -compose over -background none banana_leftp.png
Note that the \ at the end of the lines is unix and means command is continued to the next line.
What version and platform of IM are you using?
- Posts: 19
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Re: Need to split image to make 2 separate images from one
Not sure how to check my version.fmw42 wrote:This command does not make sense to me. Especially the \>.convert banana.jpg \( banana_mask.gif -negate \) -alpha off -compose copy_opacity -composite \> -compose over -background none banana_leftp.png
Note that the \ at the end of the lines is unix and means command is continued to the next line.
Oh, I didn't know that... This would be very helpful while i was finding code online as i have been adding the whole including the \>'s
No wonder I've been having so much trouble.
What version and platform of IM are you using?
hmm, I believe I'm using the most updated version as I downloaded it only a few months ago with the help of a friend. Using on a mac book pro working through the bash shell..
It was strange because I did get an error message, but the image still appeared on mys desktop after I hit enter.
Lots of trial and "error".
- fmw42
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Re: Need to split image to make 2 separate images from one
You can check your version by:
convert -version
you can check what delegates you have installed by
convert -list configure
and look at the line starting with DELEGATES
convert -version
you can check what delegates you have installed by
convert -list configure
and look at the line starting with DELEGATES
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Re: Need to split image to make 2 separate images from one
DELEGATES bzlib fftw fontconfig freetype gs gvc jbig jpeg jng jp2 lcms lqr mpeg openexr png rsvg tiff x11 xml wmf zlibfmw42 wrote:You can check your version by:
convert -version
I am using version 6.6.6-3
you can check what delegates you have installed by
convert -list configure
and look at the line starting with DELEGATES
That's what I got to work with

- fmw42
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Re: Need to split image to make 2 separate images from one
what about your IM version, Qlevel and platform
- Posts: 19
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Re: Need to split image to make 2 separate images from one
Version: ImageMagick 6.6.6-3 2011-01-04 Q16fmw42 wrote:what about your IM version, Qlevel and platform
Not sure what you mean by platform. Are you talking about the processor?
Still learning computer language.