I'm new here

actually I'm working in a project that should edit layers of a psd file and draw some texts on selected layers.
the problem that I'm facing is offsets of layers after creating the new psd file are going to be 0,0.
everything is OK except this problem. I've tried many methods and nothing worked until now.
when I try to identify the new psd file,almost everything in the new file is same what was in the old file except offsets as I've told you.
It's the first time that I've used ImageMagick.but I've searched for over 10 days but no solution I've found.
when I try to use -geometry or -page in different formats file like PNG,....etc.then It's working.but with PSD it had no effects.
trying to use the following commands would let offsets of all layers are 0,0:
Code: Select all
convert test.psd new_test.psd
Code: Select all
convert test.psd[0] test.psd[1] test.psd[2] test.psd[3] new_test.psd
I hope somebody can help me.
by the way,I've read almost all threads that discuss about psd layering problems in this forum.
Extra Info:
Version: ImageMagick 6.6.7-9 2011-02-21 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2011 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: OpenMP
OS Platform:Windows 7
API: no API , I'm using Command line.
Thanks in advance.