Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
i have a jpg image and i would like to set meta data title, subject etc. (which are shaded in the above screenshot). These info can be set in windows 7 OS. Is it possible to set these information using image magick? I use windows xp. there is no option available in win xp OS.
For specific JPEG meta-data handling, I suggest you look at programs like "jhead" whcih can update that information without reading and writing a lossy image compression format like JPEG.
Yes. I am. I only have option to edit/add comment. other than that rest are not useful for me. I am looking for an application which can add title, desc, etc. via commandline and preferably free software.
However I would again look at using some other tool, other than ImageMagick (like jhead) to add and remove profiles without a read-write cycle of the JPEG image data (which will degrade it).