i tried this
convert w1.png -format %c -depth 8 histogram:info:-
on my transparent png and got this
988644: ( 0, 0, 0, 0) #00000000 none
1019: ( 0, 0,255,255) #0000FF blue
301: ( 0,128,204,255) #0080CC rgba(0,128,204,1)
1284: ( 0,184, 0,255) #00B800 rgba(0,184,0,1)
325: ( 0,255, 0,255) #00FF00 lime
96: ( 34, 0,103,255) #220067 rgba(34,0,103,1)
603: ( 47,204, 22,255) #2FCC16 rgba(47,204,22,1)
1726: ( 51,255, 51,255) #33FF33 rgba(51,255,51,1)
594: ( 78, 77,255,255) #4E4DFF rgba(78,77,255,1)
925: (107, 67,255,255) #6B43FF rgba(107,67,255,1)
1111: (156,156,156,255) #9C9C9C grey61
299: (204,213,102,255) #CCD566 rgba(204,213,102,1)
985: (215,134,215,255) #D786D7 rgba(215,134,215,1)
742: (238,238,238,255) #EEEEEE rgba(238,238,238,1)
650: (255, 0, 0,255) #FF0000 red
696: (255,170,204,255) #FFAACC rgba(255,170,204,1)
there is definitely a red in there
then i tried this
convert w1.png -unique-colors -scale 1000% w1_colors.gif
and got this

that isn't right at all
looks like the range of colours i have in the wrong animated gif

just for fun i tried this
convert w1.png -unique-colors -scale 1000% w1_colors.png
and got this

that is the right range of colours that are in the png file
it seems that just converting my png file to a gif is screwing up before it gets to the animation part
even though it has a small range of colours even the -unique-colors gets it wrong
if i do this to the -unique-colors results
convert w1_colors.png -format %c -depth 8 histogram:info:-
100: ( 0, 0, 0, 0) #00000000 none
100: ( 0, 0,255,255) #0000FF blue
100: ( 0,128,204,255) #0080CC rgba(0,128,204,1)
100: ( 0,184, 0,255) #00B800 rgba(0,184,0,1)
100: ( 0,255, 0,255) #00FF00 lime
100: ( 34, 0,103,255) #220067 rgba(34,0,103,1)
100: ( 47,204, 22,255) #2FCC16 rgba(47,204,22,1)
100: ( 51,255, 51,255) #33FF33 rgba(51,255,51,1)
100: ( 78, 77,255,255) #4E4DFF rgba(78,77,255,1)
100: (107, 67,255,255) #6B43FF rgba(107,67,255,1)
100: (156,156,156,255) #9C9C9C grey61
100: (204,213,102,255) #CCD566 rgba(204,213,102,1)
100: (215,134,215,255) #D786D7 rgba(215,134,215,1)
100: (238,238,238,255) #EEEEEE rgba(238,238,238,1)
100: (255, 0, 0,255) #FF0000 red
100: (255,170,204,255) #FFAACC rgba(255,170,204,1)
convert w1_colors.gif -format %c -depth 8 histogram:info:-
100: ( 0, 0, 0,255) #000000 black
100: ( 0, 0, 0, 0) #00000000 none
100: ( 0, 0,103,255) #000067 rgba(0,0,103,1)
100: ( 0, 0,255,255) #0000FF blue
100: ( 0, 67,255,255) #0043FF rgba(0,67,255,1)
100: ( 0, 77,255,255) #004DFF rgba(0,77,255,1)
100: ( 0,128,204,255) #0080CC rgba(0,128,204,1)
100: ( 0,134,215,255) #0086D7 rgba(0,134,215,1)
100: ( 0,156,156,255) #009C9C rgba(0,156,156,1)
100: ( 0,170,204,255) #00AACC rgba(0,170,204,1)
100: ( 0,184, 0,255) #00B800 rgba(0,184,0,1)
100: ( 0,204, 22,255) #00CC16 rgba(0,204,22,1)
100: ( 0,213,102,255) #00D566 rgba(0,213,102,1)
100: ( 0,238,238,255) #00EEEE rgba(0,238,238,1)
100: ( 0,255, 0,255) #00FF00 lime
100: ( 0,255, 51,255) #00FF33 rgba(0,255,51,1)
it looks like it has dropped the red channel
i highlighted what i think is
#4E4DFF in both histograms
and my
#FF0000 has become
surely this is a big BUG?