This was obtained in Photoshop with those steps:
1. Create a texture in TIF format, 200x200px, 24bpp RGB, white (#FFFFFF) background, with text “© P.A.T.”, Font Arial Regular 48m anti-alias rounded, text color black (#000), rotation -45°
2. Apply that texture using Photoshop filter "Apply texture", resizing 200%, depth 3
I do know it is surely possible to do the same with IM, I saw the "texture" example at http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/photos/#texture, but I simply fail. I seem to be unable to create a good texture to apply, since using the texture_fabric.gif from that example the effect is very good.
To complicate the issue further, I'd need to achieve this using only the convert command, not the composite one.
Could a good-hearted IM expert pull me out of this depth? Any help is REALLY appreciated!