I know the topic of my post seems familiar and there is a lot topics like this but none of them could help me solve my problem.
So, I'm converting a group of images into animated GIF, that I've extracted from video file, using this command:
convert pics-*.png -resize 500x281 animated.gif
And in the result I get animated GIF that is runing with the same speed as video file is. I suppose that this command is using by default -delay 0.
But I want to make my GIF even faster. Is there a way to do this using ImageMagick?
The only way I dicovered was to firstly convert the video file using ffmpeg and this command:
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -f yuv4mpegpipe - | yuvfps -s 100:1 -r 100:1 | ffmpeg -f yuv4mpegpipe -i - -r 25 -y output.mp4
which is speeding up the video file 4x, then using this command:
ffmpeg -i output.mp4 -f image2 pics-%04d.png
to extract all the frmaes from speeded up output file and then convert them to GIF using command "convert"
Is there any faster and easier way to do this?
What I want to do is to do this without speeding up the video file, just extract frames from original video file and speed it up using "convert" command.
Something like this: convert pics-*.png -resize 500x281 "-here some command speeding GIF up" animated.gif
Is there any way to achieve it? Please, help me solve my problem