I gave you bad instruction, sorry. I realized that I need just to delete the white color, not to set the transparency (for the visibility would be bad). I think your first command is OK. But I have this problem.
I used this command to conversion of the pdf:
Code: Select all
convert.exe -density 400 -quality 100%% icaoa2010anadstavba.pdf map_CR.jpg
And I cannot finish it because I have no more memory.
So I used
Code: Select all
convert.exe -density 300 -quality 100%% icaoa2010anadstavba.pdf map_CR.jpg
To convert it. But then I must to crop the map and resize it to 2764x1651. During the resize the quality gets down so the text is bad readable and the lines are bad visible. Is it possible to resize the image in vectors before coversion to raster? I don't know the exact size because I must crop it. I already have one image cropped and resized but it is in my computer.
The image pdf original is here:
http://www.aecr.cz/download.php?file=up ... stavba.pdf
So now the convertion and resize has higher priority.