I'm using svn (bleeding edge) IM 7.0.0 compiled with Q8 even though the version running on the target machine 6.6.9-9. (If I was manic, I'd install it; I'm not that manic. Actually, I am that manic, but my spare laptop is going to the shop, CentOS 5.x does not recognize my wireless card, I don't like the vintage desktop it uses, and installs take time, which I don't have.)
First pass:
Code: Select all
convert -size 400x320 xc:white RogerRabbit.mpc \( -size 400x320 xc:black -fill white -draw "roundRectangle 0,0 399,319 8,8" \) -composite -flatten -quality 70 FramedRogerRabbit.jpg
I can cache reused pieces. Tons of RAM on the target machine, and this is done to every incoming image. So, I'll eventually have to figure out how best to store what's between parentheses.